Re: Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Notice for School Year 2021-2022

Dear Parent, Guardian, or Staff Member:

As required by the Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) that was signed into law by President Regan in December of 1987, the Eatontown Board of Education Public School System is required to annually update the staff and public who utilize school facilities regarding changes to our asbestos management plans.

As a requirement of AHERA, an accredited management planner prepared an asbestos management plan for each of the district’s four schools. These plans were submitted and approved by the New Jersey Department of Health in 1989. Initial inspections indicated that asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) were present in areas that are generally not accessible to students and faculty. The ACBM that are present are in very good condition and are limited to the boiler rooms and a few small adjacent areas. Inspection of all areas identified in the plans, whether ACBM or assumed have been conducted every six months since July 1989 and will continue to be inspected every six months.

The asbestos management plans including the three-year re-inspection reports and six month inspections are available for review during normal office hours from Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the Administrative Offices located at 5 Grant Avenue, Eatontown, NJ 07724.

As always, the Eatontown Board of Education continues to comply with all AHERA regulations in order to maintain the safest possible environment for students and staff.

Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at the Central Board Offices at 5 Grant Avenue, Eatontown, NJ 07724.


Kenneth Dioguardi
Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds

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